Vancouver.Rockies.Hot Springs.Victoria 6/7 day Package


·Optional all inclusive meal plan available (starting from day 1 dinner).
·One night 5★ superior Chateau Lake Louise for deluxe tour
·Two night accommodation at 4★ Salmon Arm Prestige Harbourfront Resort. Promenade along the
serene Shuswap Lake.
·Immerse your body in the soothing Banff Sulphur Mountain hot springs while snowflakes are dancing.
Definitely an experience of a life time. (Admission incl.)
·Explore heritage Banff in the heart of Canada’s First National Park.
·Visit renowned Okanagan Winery and Kamploops Ginseng factory for gifts & souvenirs
·Deluxe Richmond hotel upgrade available (near shopping centers and dining restaurants).
·One day visit to beautifal Victoria (Butchart Gardens) or 2010 Winter Olympics Site Whistler

False Creek Ferries operation is weather permitting; closed on Dec 25, 26.
10月16日 - 4月15日 2009
(逢 周一、四、五、六、日出發)
Depart Every M,Th,F,Sa, Su Oct 16 – Apr 15 2009
加開 Additional dept:12月23,24日 2008

景點簡介﹕露易斯湖Lake Louise被譽為洛磯山脈的藍寶石Jewel of the Rockies ,是班芙最著名的湖泊,
位於班芙國家公園1700米高的山中。露易斯湖三面環山,層巒疊嶂。翠綠靜謐的湖泊在宏偉山峰及壯觀的維多利亞冰川的映照下更加秀麗迷人。雖露易斯湖畔充滿古典維多利亞色彩的堡壘酒店Chateau Lake Louise
班芙市Banff是中外聞名的旅游熱點,加拿大洛磯山最早建立的城鎮。班芙大街Banff Ave不但商店、餐廳、精品店、酒店等到處林立,而且還保留19世紀傳統建築特色,難怪有時會讓人有時光倒流的感覺。而弓河瀑布Bow Falls與另一歷史悠久地標班芙春泉堡壘酒店BanffSprings都是咫尺之遙。
親身體驗班芙著名硫磺山溫泉浴Sulphur Mountain Hot Springs(含門票Admission Incl.)

卑斯省首府維多利亞市坐落於北美西岸最大的島嶼-溫哥華島。城市以當時的英女皇維多利亞Victoria命名。參觀充滿英國色彩的市中心內港、卑斯省議會大樓,畢架山公園內世界最長高速公路之起點處-零哩牌等。午後遊覽世界聞名的寶翠花園。Depart for the Vancouver Island by ferry and capture the spectacular scenery en route. Visit remarkable Mile "0", landmark British Columbia Legislative Buildings, Inner Harbour and the world famous Butchart Gardens.
威士拿雪山Whistler是2010年冬季奧運會場地,北美著名的滑雪勝地,擁有完善的滑雪道。乘觀光吊車登上威士拿之最高峰俯瞰雪領群山,觀賞如詩如畫雪景。隨後到有“小瑞士”之稱的威士拿村內觀光購物,儘情感受歐歐陸風情。團友亦可自費參加各種冬日動感活動。Whistler is North America’s Number One resort and the host of 2010 Olympic Winter Games. After a ride of the Whistler Mountain Gondola*(seasonal), you will have time to relax and shop at the mountain or in the village.
著名特產﹕加拿大冰酒ICEWINE產量是世界之冠,因其獨特清甜口味而成爲英女皇國宴的御用餐酒。參觀奧根娜根釀酒區Okanagon Winery著名釀酒廠時將介紹釀製紅﹑白及冰酒過程。此外,甘露市花旗參廠Kamloops Ginseng Factory工作人員會向客人講解加國另一特產,花旗參,的品種、生產、種植過程,選參及養生食療方法。

自選項目Optional Activity﹕
乘架空纜車4【2008 成人Adult$26/Child小童$13(含稅Tax incl.)/2009 成人Adult$27/Child小童$13.5(含稅Tax incl.)】
登上高聳入雲之班芙硫磺山頂Sulphur Mountain Gondola,觀賞氣勢磅礴的山脈,自然美景盡入眼簾(視乎天氣而定 Seasonal)。
1 原居地-溫哥華Hometown -Vancouver
國內航班3號行李帶集合; 國際航班接機處遊客中心集合 Domestic arrival, please meet at claim belt #3; international flight arrival, meet at visitor counter.
超值團酒店或同級Value:Hampton / Ramada / Days or similar
豪華團酒店或同級 Deluxe:行政Executive Plaza/瑞迪森總統Radisson/Four
Points Sheraton喜來登
??送半天市內觀光(限中午前抵達者)。暢遊史丹利公園,北美第二大的唐人街、加拿大第三大城市的市中心及1986世界博覽會會址。獨家再送特式漁港小渡*從英格列灣橫過福溪到格蘭威爾半島,大飽眼福!A complimentary half-day city tour of
Chinatown, downtown, Stanley Park and a bonus mini ferry ride* of the beautiful False Creek.(prior to 12:00pm arrival).
抵達西雅圖的客人(每位單程加$50),早上約11:45機場13號行李帶集合,送西雅圖市區遊(不含溫哥華市區遊),然後乘車送往溫哥華酒店。From Seattle: Please meet at luggage belt #13
~11:45am 【$50 p.p./way】. A complimentary mini-excursion of Seattle (rather than Vancouver) will be arranged before transferring to hotel in Vancouver.
2 溫哥華-基隆那-奧根娜根湖-釀酒廠-鮭魚灣1 (午/晚)
Vancouver – Kelowna – Okanagan – Winery – Salmon Arm1 (L/D)
酒店Hotel: 4??Prestige Harbourfront Resort or similar或同級
3 鮭魚灣-吊車4-硫磺山溫泉浴(包含門票)-班芙2 (早/午/晚)
Salmon Arm – Gondola4 – Sulphur Mtn Hot springs (Adm incl.) – Banff2 (B/L/D)
超值團酒店或同級Value:Banff International or similar
豪華團酒店Deluxe:5??露易斯湖堡壘酒店 Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise**
4 班芙國家公園-露易斯湖-鮭魚灣3 (早/午/晚)
Banff National Park – Lake Louise – Salmon Arm3 (B/L/D)
酒店Hotel:4??Prestige Harbourfront Resort or similar或同級
5 鮭魚灣-甘露市-花旗參廠-溫哥華 (早/午)
Salmon Arm – Kamloops – Ginseng Factory – Vancouver (B/L)
超值團酒店或同級Value:Hampton / Ramada / Days or similar
豪華團酒店或同級 Deluxe:行政Executive Plaza/瑞迪森總統Radisson/Four
Points Sheraton喜來登
6 維多利亞(包午餐及寶翠花園)或威士拿雪山(包吊車門票)
Victoria (Lunch & Butchart gardens Incl.) OR Whistler Mountain (Sightseeing gondola Incl.)
ROCV6六天團結束後送往溫哥華國際機場建議搭乘21:00後班機Transfer to Vancouver airport after 6-day tour. Suggest flight after 21:00pm.

ROCV6 tour ends, ROCV7 continues:
超值團酒店或同級Value:Hampton / Ramada / Days or similar
豪華團酒店或同級 Deluxe:行政Executive Plaza/瑞迪森總統Radisson/Four Points Sheraton喜來登
7 溫哥華- 原居地 Vancouver – Hometown
早上可自由探親或往酒店附近的溫哥華著名食府品嚐美食。隨後送往溫哥華國際機場。Free day and transfer to Vancouver airport.
- 帽子,手套,圍巾 Hat, gloves, scarf- 游泳衣 Swimsuits

6天送2早餐 2 breakfast incl.

雙人房 第三/四位與兩成人 小童Child 全程膳食5早5午5晚All inclusive meal

超值 Value 6E
578 213 185 成人Adult $199 小童Child$179

豪華 Deluxe 6D
628 213 223 成人Adult $199 小童Child$179

洛磯山四天膳食 成人Adult $149 豪华$179 小童Child(2-11歲)$135 豪华$165

7天送3早餐 3 breakfast incl. 雙人房 第三/四位與兩成人 小童Child 全程膳食6早5午6晚All inclusive meal
超值 Value 7E 638 223 195 成人Adult $222 小童Child$200
豪華Deluxe 6D 713 223 233 成人Adult $300 小童Child$278

Limited to one medium suitcase and one carry-on luggage per person.
*We reserved the rights to modify the itinerary without liability. Super Vacation, (hereinafter referred to as “the operator”) acts only in the capacity of agents for hotels, airlines, bus companies or shipping lines providing transportations, hotel accommodations and other services. If the services included in the tour cannot be supplied or there are changes in an itinerary for reasons beyond the control of the operator, the operator will arrange for the provision of comparable services. Any resulting additional expenses will be payable by tour participants. The operator is not liable for the loss or damage of property of a guest while on tour. Purchase of travel insurance is strongly recommended.
費用包括: 導遊,溫泉及國家公園入場費、酒店及旅遊車
費用不包括: 5%GST稅,旅遊保險,4自費活動,膳食,機票和稅,司機及導遊服務費,建議每天每位共計$7
團友因個人理由於出發前14天內更改或取消訂位而不能享用行程內之某一或全部活動、膳食、入場費或酒店住房,本公司恕不作任何退還客人如需指定某一間酒店,酌此服務費每晚$20 *Service charge of $20 per night will be added if you opt to stay at a specific hotel.
溫哥華免費接送機時間 8am - 10pm Free Vancouver airport transfer
Cancellation: No refund within 14-day prior to departure date. No partial refund on any unused services.
Include: Tour coordinator, Hot springs & national park fees , accommodation and transportation as per itinerary.
Exclude: 5%GST tax , 4optional tours/activities, Meals, Air fares and taxes, travel insurance, personal incidentals Driver and tour guide gratuities (suggested $7/day/pax)
1住宿於維能市Prestige Vernon或同級 出發日期Departures: 1/29 , 1/30 , 2/1 , 2/2 , 2/5 & 2/6.
2住宿於班芙或肯磨市(Stay at Banff or Canmore)出發日期Departures: 2/12 , 2/13, 3/8 , 3/9 , 3/12 & 3/13.
3住宿於黃金鎮Prestige Golden或同級 出發日期Departures: 1/25 , 1/26 , 1/29 , 1/30 , 2/1 & 2/2??
Child 2-11 yrs and shares bed with adults
**豪華團12月18日-12月29日附加費雙人房每位$20,第三、四位/小童同房每位$100 單人房$100(加GST),超值團不受影響。
**Dec 18-29 departures: deluxe tour holiday surcharge$20p.p.(twin); 3rd/4th p./child sharing same $100p.p.??$100for single ; no surcharge for value tour.

